Monday, July 18, 2016

Dampiera linearis

Dampiera linearis, commonly known as common dampiera=or wedge-leaved dampiera,= is an erect perennial herb in the family Goodeniaceae. The species, which is endemic to the south-west of Western Australia, grows to between 15 and 60 cm (6 in–2 ft) high, with its blue to purple flowers appearing between July and December. It adapts readily to cultivation, particularly containers such as hanging baskets.

The prolific botanist Robert Brown described Dampiera linearis in his 1810 work Prodromus Florae Novae Hollandiae et Insulae Van Diemen. Its species name is the Latin adjective linearis "linear". He described a D cuneata at the same time,which has been synonymised with D. linearis. Plants sold commercially were mislabeled as D. cuneata for many years. Dutch botanist Willem Hendrik de Vriese described two further plants—D. azurea and D. eriophora—from the Swan River and Perth environs in the 1845 work Plantae Preissianae, which are also now considered D. linearis

The prolific botanist Robert Brown described Dampiera linearis in his 1810 work Prodromus Florae Novae Hollandiae et Insulae Van Diemen. Its species name is the Latin adjective linearis "linear". He described a D cuneata at the same time, which has been synonymised with D. linearis. Plants sold commercially were mislabeled as D. cuneata for many years. Dutch botanist Willem Hendrik de Vriese described two further plants—D. azurea and D. eriophora—from the Swan River and Perth environs in the 1845 work Plantae Preissianae, which are also now considered D. linearis

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